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Calculate progress

Calculate Progress Based on Subtasks

The progress and timeline of a parent task are directly influenced by the progress and timelines of its subtasks.

As subtasks are completed, the parent task's progress increases proportionally.

Methods of Calculation:

a. Manual Calculation:

You manually input the progress percentage for each subtask.

Best for: Smaller projects or when you have a clear understanding of each subtask's progress.

b. Parenting:

The tool automatically calculates the parent task's progress based on the combined progress of its subtasks.

Best for: Larger projects with many subtasks, where automatic calculation saves time and ensures accuracy.

Progress is based on

Data used to show current progress of task

By selecting the appropriate data point, you can accurately track the progress of your tasks and make informed decisions about resource allocation and project timelines.

a. Progress:

The tool calculates progress based on the percentage completion of each task.

Best for: Tasks with a clear start and end date, where progress can be measured in terms of percentage completion.

b. Status:

The tool uses the status of each task (e.g., not started, in progress, completed) to calculate progress.

Best for: Tasks with more flexible timelines or where progress is not easily measured in terms of percentage completion.

Group Progress Calculation

When calculating the progress of a group of tasks, two common approaches are used:

  1. Status-Based Calculation:

  • Each task within the group is assigned a status (e.g., Not Started, In Progress, Completed).

  • The group's overall status is determined by the status of its constituent tasks.

For example, a "Completed" status might contribute more to the overall group progress than an "In Progress" status.

  1. Percentage-Based Calculation:

  • Each task within the group is assigned a percentage completion.

  • The group's overall progress is calculated as a weighted average of the individual task percentages.

You can choose the most appropriate method for calculating group progress and ensure accurate tracking of your project's overall health.

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