Work Capacity Planning
What is Work Capacity Planning
A capacity planning process involves determining how much production capacity is required to meet changing demand for products. In capacity planning, design capacity is defined as an organization's maximum capacity to accomplish work over a given time period.
The act of balancing available resources to satisfy customer demands or project capacity needs is known as capacity planning. In project management and production, capacity refers to the amount of work that can get completed in a given amount of time.
Producing capacity, strategy planning, and project planning are interrelated. The task of planning involves scheduling team members to ensure work is completed on time. Capacity management is not a predetermined process. Project managers can use different capacity planning methodologies to respond to different conditions because every company is unique and demand fluctuates.
How can you start your Work Capacity Planning?
Accessing the App Settings by Clicking on Go to App Settings.

After successfully accessing the App Settings, navigate the Work Capacity Scheme on the Settings column on the left side. Now you can view all the work capacity scheme of your portfolio, including scheme name, detail work capacity throughout the week and assignees of each Scheme.

Currently, the default capacity working hours per day is 8. The working day from Monday to Friday, so Saturday and Sunday are weekend days.
The app is in the process of becoming more flexible with settings that allow you to configure business hours per day and per week. It will be available soon.
You can also customize your own Work Capacity Scheme for your team by adding New Scheme to your App Settings. Click on the New Scheme button, we will enable you guys to customize a new Scheme to be saved in your Work Capacity Scheme storage.

Scheduling Workload for your Task
Right click on any Task item, select Schedule Hour to start scheduling your task’s workload.

In this view, we provide you with a detail look of task’s workload which include all of its assignee (Assignee name, Workload per day, Total Workload of the assignee for the task and also the task duration). Y’all need to fill in the Total Workload field in order to schedule the workload for your assignee, then the Workload per day will be computed by Total Workload divide by task’s duration. After completing planning your task’s workload as you desire, then press Save and you’re good to go. The task’s workload will be illustrate down in the workload split panel, to have more information on how the Workload split panel operate please pay a visit to Workload.

Tip: You add or remove assignee utilizing the Add Assignee button or clicking the trash bin button on each row.

If you have any further questions or need assistance with any aspect of Portfolio Project management, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. We're here to help you make the most of Portfolio Project management!
Happy planning and organizing! ♥️