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Say goodbye to tedious setups and hello to a smoother testing journey! This release introduces an optimized configuration flow, and we cannot wait for you to experience the ease and efficiency of AgileTest!

For details, please refer to blog → October 2024 Release

New Configuration UI

Managing AgileTest just got easier. With major upgrades, you can now configure AgileTest simply by handling in-app issues. The new user interface allows you to enable or disable AgileTest for any project with ease, making your experience more intuitive and focused.

1. New Configuration UI (GIFs).gif

Simpler App Setup

Setting up AgileTest is now a breeze! We’ve simplified the configuration process, eliminating unnecessary steps so you can get started faster. This means less time spent on setup and more time dedicated to what truly matters.

2. Advanced Configuration Flow (GIFs).gif

Improved Test Execution 

You now have greater control over your testing process. With the ability to manage test plans, and environments, and fix versions directly within the test execution feature. Adapt your tests as needed for a more productive workflow.

3. Advanced Test Execution Details (GIFs).gif

Minor Bug Fix

Alongside these exciting features, we’ve resolved minor bugs to improve overall stability. The API documentation is also clearer and more user-friendly, providing better guidance for developers and ensuring smoother automation.

Should you need any assistance or further AgileTest inquiries, contact our 24/7 Support Desk!

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