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4.3. Checkout/Checkin Components

Each component in AssetIT is tracked with its available quantity. When you check out a component, the system automatically reduces the amount until the stock is depleted.

Components can only be checked out to assets.

How to Check Out a Component

  1. Navigate to the Components Screen:

    • Locate the component you want to check out in the component list.

    • In the Checkin/Checkout column, click on the image-20241001-054850.png button.

  1. Checkout Component Screen:

You will be directed to the Checkout Component screen. The Checkout Component screen allows you to check out a component for an asset. Follow the steps below to complete the checkout process:

  • Component Name: The name of the component you are checking out will be displayed at the top.

  • Asset: Search for the asset that you want this component to be assigned to.

  • Quantity: Enter the number of items you want to check out.

  • Notes: Use this field to add any relevant notes regarding the checkout (e.g., reason for checkout, condition of the component, etc.).

  • Submit: Once all fields are filled out, click the Submit button to complete the checkout process.

  • Cancel: If you need to exit without completing the process, click Cancel.

Compoents that are out of stock cannot be checked out.

How to Check In a Component

To check in a component that has been previously checked out, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the “Component Details” screen:

    • Click on the desired component from the list to navigate to the Component Details page.

  • Go to the “Used By” tab:

    • Go to the Used By tab, where you can see the assets the component is currently checked out to.

  • image-20241118-062846.png
    • Click on the image-20241001-060911.png button to start retrieving the component.

  • Checkin Component Screen:

    • You will be navigated to the Checkin Component screen.

    • Complete all the required information, including any notes or updates necessary for the component.

  • Submit the Check-In:

Once you have entered all the required information, click the Submit button to complete the check-in process. This will:

  1. Return the component to the stock.

  2. Update the available quantity for the component.

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