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Manage Components

Components are items that are part of an asset, for example HDD, RAM, etc

To manage Components, select Components menu item

The page shows a list of all the components.

You can create new ones, search, export, and edit or delete existing one.

Create a new Component

Click on Create New button to navigate to Create Component.

Fill in all mandatory fields and necessary information and click on Submit button to save

Update or delete a component

From the component list, you can click on Edit or Delete button on a consumable to update and delete it

Checkout a component

Checkout a component to an asset is to assign the component to that asset

Clicking on Checkout button to navigate to Checkout Component screen

Component Details

From the component list, click on a component name to go to its detailed page

Bulk Checkin

To activate bulk checkin for Components, follow these steps:

  • Choose the desired components.

  • Click on the “Bulk Action” dropdown menu > Choose Checkin > Click on the Arrow to proceed.

  • You will be navigated to the Bulk Checkin Components page to review the components for bulk checkin > Click Done to finish.


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