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5.1. Overview

What are Consumables? In AssetIT, Consumables are items intended for short-term use, such as office supplies, printer ink, and batteries, which need regular replacement or refilling. Unlike Assets, Accessories, or Licenses, Consumables can only be assigned to users.


At the AssetIT sidebar, go to Consumables. This will take you to the Consumables page, which showcases a list of consumables.

1. Bulk Action

The Bulk Action button allows you to perform actions on multiple consumables at once by:

  • Select Consumables: Check the boxes next to the consumables you want to manage from the consumable list.

  • Click on the Bulk Action dropdown menu: Choose one of the following actions and click the

    image-20240911-112517.png button to proceed.

Actions explained:

a. Edit

  • This allows you to update multiple consumables at once.

  • Fill in only the fields that you want to update. If you leave any fields blank, the existing data in those fields will remain the same and will not be changed.

b. Delete

  • Review the consumables that are set for deletion.

  • AssetIT automatically unselects items that are in use or assigned.

  • You can choose to delete items permanently if needed.

  • Deleted items will be moved to the Trash.

c. Restore

The Restore button allows you to recover Consumables that have been previously deleted or moved to the Trash tab.

Navigate to the Trash tab to use this function.


2. Toolbar

  • image-20240910-110008.pngSearch: Use this button to find specific consumables by consumable names quickly.

  • image-20240910-110025.png Refresh: Click this button to update and reload the consumable list.

  • image-20240910-110043.png Column: This button allows you to customize the consumable list view by hiding, showing, or reordering columns. Hide All, Show All, or Reset Order are also available.

  • image-20240910-110105.png Full Screen: Click this button to expand the consumable list to full screen.

  • image-20240910-110128.png Export: Use this button to download the consumable data as a PDF or CSV file. You can choose to export all Consumables or just the selected ones.

  • image-20240910-110144.pngShow/Hide Filters: This button activates the advanced filter options for columns.

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