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Status Label Setting

Status labels are used to describe the state of an asset. You can add as many status labels as you’d like. Each status label will have one of four characteristics that describe the state of assets with that status label.

Status Types

Status Label Type



These assets cannot be assigned to anyone.


These assets can be assigned to people


These assets cannot be assigned to people, and will only show up in the Archived view


These assets can not yet be assigned to anyone.

Manage Status Label

In order to manage Status Labels, go to SettingsStatus Labels

Here you can see a list of all the Custom Fields. Here you can create new ones, search, export, and edit or delete existing ones

Create a new Status Label

Click on Create New to go to New Status Label screen

Fill in Name, Status Type and select a Color for it.

Status Label color will be used in Dashboard chart color and it is sticked to that Status Label

Update or delete a status label

From the status label list, you can click on Edit or Delete button on a status label to update and delete it.

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