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Board items

Supported board items

Lean Board has many board items that you can use to visualize and organize your ideas and plans or to make your meetings become more productive and effective.

  1. Sticky notes
    Create a card that is similar to a sticky, and serves similar purposes.

    Sticky note item

  2. Text Label
    Similar to sticky notes, but without a background. This item can help you mark or name your board items.

    Text label item

  3. Image
    You can use this to upload an image from your computer and create an image card.

    Image Item

  4. Video
    Search and embed a Youtube video into your board to make it more lively.

    Video item

  5. Checklist
    Need to get a list of tasks to do? This item can help you organize and monitor those tasks.

    Checklist item

  6. Drawing pad
    Visualize your ideas with freehand drawing tools.

    Drawing pad item

    Drawing pad editor

  7. Salesforce object

Allows you to add salesforce objects such as user, contact, customer,... and customize display fields to show for your purpose

Salesforce object item

Sale force object editor

  1. Persona
    Provide a better insight on your subjects of interest, specify their needs and goals, behaviors,… for your analysis process.

Persona item

Pesona editor

  1. Connector
    Connect your items that are related to a more organized board.


Along with these board items are various format tools for each type like changing color, flexible text size, changing text alignment, etc. which will help you organize and express your ideas, and meetings more easily.

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