In this new version of Routemap Jira Data Center, we’re excited to bring more stunning features from its Cloud version which are mostly requested by you.
New features
These are what our beloved users demanded the most from Routemap Jira Cloud itself:
Stepper Navigation: You can now easily move between steps by clicking on the stepper while creating a new roadmap.

Populating: Populate existing Jira Issues after mapping fields & automatically create bars with the start date and end date from Jira.
Quick filter ability using existing JQL on the prioritization table and matrix.
Allow mapping to DateTime fields.
Besides, we also brought some improvements to enhance your experience with Routemap:
Handle milestone overlaps better.
You can now clear the search easily.
Do not automatically adjust the container size when it's empty.
UI/UX improvements.
Bug fixes
Last but not least, we fixed some known bugs to keep our app running smoothly:
Fixed a bug where users cannot display the issue summary in release details.
Fixed the issue where users cannot delete bars in other shared roadmaps when deleting containers in the shared roadmap.
Fixed an issue that led to the display of the wrong dependencies position when the user turned on the auto-adjust lane.
Fixed the bug where users were unable to display a popup when users searched for and deleted a version.
Unable to load 1000 issues in the Prioritization table
Resolved the issue where users are unable to save updated lanes.
If you have any questions or need support, please contact us at the Support Desk.