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We are excited to announce new features coming to Routemap Jira Data Center this February 2024.

New features

We have brought in features to diversify the ability of Routemap Jira Data Center:

  • Releases Kanban roadmap: users can visualize and manage projects on a Kanban roadmap.


  • Set field mapping & Filter roadmaps by Project level.

Bug fixes

Don’t forget that we also fixed some bugs to streamline your experience:

  • Fixed the issue where the Isolated roadmap still used the Jira date.

  • Unable to delete lanes in the isolated roadmap.

  • Unable to move the container when it was on the start date of the roadmap.

  • Unable to create the issue link.

  • Unable to delete lanes after moving containers.

  • Unable to update and synchronize data in the prioritization feature.

  • Unable to use the Status Dropdown in another language.

  • The workflow in Jira failed to load after users installed the Routemap plugin.

If you have any questions or need support, please contact us at the Support Desk.

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