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We are excited to announce new features to Routemap for Jira Cloud, version 1.7.4-AC this February.

In this new version, the app will be supporting the new Fiscal Year and Vertical Lan layout.

New features

1. Fiscal Year

Based on your valuable feedback and insights, we decided to implement a new feature, Fiscal Year, to help users who need to plan their projects accordingly.

All you have to do is select the Start month of the year in the board settings and Routemap’s timeline will change.

Issues timeline in the Fiscal year settings

2. Horizontal Lane view

Also in this 1.7.4-AC version, Routemap for Jira will support the horizontal lane view to help you plan and manage tasks more effortlessly.

CleanShot 2025-02-12 at 16.13.16.gif


Additionally, we brought in some improvements to make your experience even better:

  • Make today's box smaller and collapsible

  • Improved logging of activity when changing priority and issue type

If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact us via our Support Desk.

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