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View Modes, Filtering Assignees, and More

The various view modes and features available in our app for an enhanced experience.

View Modes

Teamboard offers a variety of view modes to cater to your preferences and needs. You can seamlessly switch between the following modes: days, weeks, or months

Filtering Assignees

At the top left corner of the app, you'll find a convenient filter for assignees. This feature lets you focus on specific team members by filtering out others. Here's how to use it:

  1. Click on the "Assignees" filter.

  2. Select the team members you want to concentrate on.

  3. Enjoy a clutter-free view of tasks and events related to your selected team members.

Navigation Shortcuts

We've designed Teamboard to make navigation as easy as possible. Here are two quick ways to move around the app:

  1. Today Button: Located on the top bar, the "Today" button instantly takes you to the current date, keeping you up-to-date with your schedule.

  2. Calendar Dropdown: You can also navigate to a specific date by clicking on the archer icon next to the “Today” button. This feature allows you to jump to any date, making planning and tracking effortless.

3. Toggle View: Main, Sub, or Both Items

Gain better control over your task view with the ability to toggle between main items, sub-items, or both


Main, Sub, or Both Items.png

Drag-and-Drop Assignee Rows

Teamboard offers an intuitive way to arrange your schedule. You can easily rearrange rows on the calendar by utilizing the drag-and-drop functionality on the avatar cell.

Color schema

Starting with version 3.2.0, we introduce a feature known as the "Color Schema," enabling users to customize item colors using the color picker field (the default option), the group, or the status color.

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