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Workload Mode

Enabling Workload Mode can help you manage your team's workload effectively:

Activate Workload Mode

  • Click the "Workload" button on the top bar to enable this mode.

(lightbulb) Tip: You can click the archor icon next to avatar each row to expand the row to see the detail plan in workload mode

How teamboard uses color coding to provide a visual overview of workload, allowing users and project managers to effectively balance team assignments.

  • Green Color: Full of workload - Tasks assigned to an individual or team member have a moderate amount of work

  • Red color: Overload - Tasks assigned have a lower volume of work than the individual's or team's capacity.

  • Yellow Color: Under workload - Tasks assigned exceed the capacity of the individual or team

The visual representation allows users and project managers to quickly assess workload distribution and Adjust Scheduled Hours or reassign tasks by dragging and dropping them to a different team member's schedule or a different day on the schedule board.

Currently, the default capacity working hours per day is 8. The working day from Monday to Friday, so Saturday and Sunday are weekend days.

The app is in the process of becoming more flexible with settings that allow you to configure business hours per day and per week. It will be available soon.

Workload calculation

You can change how the workload is calculated by selecting either "hour" or "percent" in the settings. This allows you to customize the way workload is displayed and managed according to your preference, ensuring that it aligns with your team's needs and work habits.

Workload calculation.png

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