Hot fix: Can't plan issue when turning on mapping Jira fields on version 2.6.0
New features

Ability to map Jira fields with the Datetime field type
Improve logging time for tasks and events
Improve permissions for creating, editing, and deleting a team
Email improvements
Title correction for the new leave request modal
Bug fixes
Fixed: Inability to delete resource rate in profile
Addressed issue of non-working days included in the cost tab
Fixed: Day off not displayed when approved
Fixed: Incorrect navigation when clicking the notification
Fixed: Disappearance of resources in the group resource rate
Fixed: Old resource rate disappearance when another is added
Fixed: Miscalculations in workload
Fixed: Incorrect data in the Excel file after exporting
Fixed: Inability to remove a rejected leave request
Fixed: Timesheet approval differs from Timelog
Fixed: The deleting method doesn't work in Fields data
Fixed: Blank chart when using the condition view in the report
Fixed: Unable to search for this issue
Fixed: Remaining Estimate in the detail tooltip displays incorrect values