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Leave Settings

The leave setting was managed by the admin user only. And this setting will be used throughout the whole plugin system.

  • Enable leave approval workflow: If checked all leave requests goes through the approval process. If not user can plan time off directly in the Schedule without sending request for approval.

  • Allocation days: Number of days allocated per year.

  • Allow accumulation: Checked this will allow the system to accumulate the number of remaining days from previous year to the current year.

  • Maximum accumulated days: Maximum number of days can be accumulated to next year

  • Other allocations: Create some special allocation and assign it to someone. These special allocations will ignore system settings to apply for assignees.

  • Leave types: Manage and create leave type. The user can see all types in leave request creating.

The default setting is:

  • Allocation days: 12 days

  • Allow accumulating: Yes

  • Maximum accumulated days: 12 days

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