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Additional Features in Timelog

1. Issue Box for Quick Time Logging

Utilize the Issue Box to quickly locate tasks from the Jira Projects or faster time logging. Here's how:

  • Filter tasks using the Basic Filter or JQL to sort and display relevant tasks.

  • Simply drag and drop a task from the Issue Box onto the board.

  • Input the time spent directly to log your work → click on OK to finish the process.

2. Log Time for Non-Task or Special Events

In addition to logging time for specific tasks, TimePlanner allows you to log time for non-task activities or special events, such as meetings, training sessions, or other work.

Note: These activities are separate from Jira Issues and can only be created or managed within the TimePlanner app.

On the board, click New Timelog to open the Planning Dialog:

  • Select Event or Other as the type.

  • Add details, including the time spent and date, or notes are optional.

  • Click Log Time to finalize the entry.

3. Customize the Timelog view

View Settings in the board offers options to customize the information on the time log view, such as displaying week, day, weekend, or daily capacity.

Next Step: Once you’ve logged your time entries, remember to Submit them for approval.

→ To submit Timesheets for your own time log or on behalf of other members, explore here.

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