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Mapping goals with issues in Data Center

Follow these steps to create a new issue type and link type for the Goal Mapping feature in the Data Center.

Create a new issue type to map with the goal

  1. Go to SettingsIssues

  1. Find the Issue types section, select Issues typesAdd issue type

  1. Enter the issue Name and Description

Create a new issue link to map with the goal

This one will mark the relationship between epics and goals. (Jira admin permission is required)

  1. Go to SettingsIssues

  1. Find the Issue features section, select Issue linkingAdd New Link Type

Open the Story Map & turn on the Goal Mapping

  1. Go to Admin SettingsGoals setting

  2. Turn on Map Goals with Jira Issue Type option

  3. Issue type: Select issue type mapping with goals

  4. Link type: Select issue link type mapping with goals

  5. Save: Save the setting

Once saved, all relationships between goals and epics may be lost. Make sure you know what you're doing. We do not recommend this action if your board is currently big.

  1. Migrate: Migrate the goals with the issue type

  • Select existing issue & map with the goal

  • Create a new issue & map with the goal

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