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This May 2024, AgileTest brings you our biggest release yet, fully tailored to your testing workflow. Introducing New Test Types:

New Features


Minor Bug Fixes

New Features

Test Types for Tests/Preconditions

With our slogan, “Your Request, Our Priority”. AgileTest now supports different test types. Starting with three default test types—Steps, Unstructured, and Gherkin—your team can create and assign new test types to test cases and preconditions. Test types are now included when you clone, import, or export test cases and preconditions. 

1. New Test Types (FINAL GIF).gif

New Project Configuration UI

The new Project Configuration interface simplifies project setup for new users. Its user-friendly interface makes it easy to understand AgileTest's scope, features, and configuration while being more intuitive and efficient. 

2. New ProjectConfiguration (FINAL GIF)).gif

Disable the AI Feature Option

While many enjoy serving hundreds of test cases and steps with a single click, we understand your concerns about team members mis-generating tests. That’s why we now allow you to disable our AI feature in Jira Settings.

3. Disable AI Function.gif

Jira Widgets Integration

AgileTest's Dashboard has been in the spotlight lately.  Now our users can utilize our built-in charts to track test runs, test cases, defects, requirements, ranked metrics, or test overviews, as Widgets in the Jira Dashboard

4. Jira Widget.gif

Manage Step Level Defects on Test Execution

Elevate your test case runs with Test Execution. In addition to tracking project defects in a single test execution, your team can add defects, evidence, and comments at the test step level.

5. Manage Defects Test Execution.gif

Edit Summary in Test Dialog

AgileTest users can edit summaries directly in any Test Dialog, without switching to the Jira issue board.

6. Edit summart.gif


Test Run Report

Just a little bit of detail touch, track each test case issue key directly on the test run report with informative footer.

7. Improve - Test Run Report.jpg

Add Dates to Completed Milestone

You can now track our completed milestones with both the start and completion dates.

8. Improve - Add dates to completed milestone.jpg

Export Test Cases with Issue Keys

Issue key tracking is now included in test exports for your testing reports.

9. Improve - Export test case with issue keys.jpg

Allow comment’s editor toolbar on Test Scripts

The editor toolbar in Test Scripts enables easy formatting and editing of comments.

10. Improve - Editor Toolbar for comments.jpg

Non-Grouped Button for Preconditions

Surely we do keep up with our last feature, now users can hide all grouped preconditions (not in folders). This feature helps reduce clutter and focus on the test cases for your project preferences.

11. Improve - Non-Grouped Button for Preconditions.jpg

Minor Bug Fixes

Should you need any assistance or further AgileTest inquiries, contact our 24/7 Support Desk!

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