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Frequently Asked Questions

Pricing Plan?
  • AgileTest is currently free to use. But we expect to release commercial plan in Quarter 3, 2024.

  • We can check this link for the sample pricing plan. The price can tentative but there will not differ much from the sample pricing plan.

What will be in the paid version and what will happen to free users' data?
  • All the current features and new features such as automation test are in the paid version.

  • Once the app becomes a commercial app, you can still use the current features in few months. After that, we have to restrict free access to the app due to Atlassian policy.

  • If the free users that has not paid yet when the app becomes commercial, your data is totally safe and un-manipulated by us. So you can use it again whenever you regain access

Can the data be exported to other Jira instance?

Currently AgileTest does not support this feature, but users can migrate TestCase and Jira issues.

How does Test Coverage calculate the percentage?

Test Coverage is the chart for Requirement. The percentage displays the number of requirements that have been covered. Covered means the requirement should have added test cases, scripts or sessions. Therefore, you should go to the Requirements page and create a requirement and add a test case, session or script to it.

Is there a way to rearrange the sequence of test cases within a test plan?

1. Within TestPlan, you can use drag-drog test cases to your preferences.
2. Within TestCase, you can also reorder preconditions.

"Assignee" should be included at test step levels?

Note : only Jira Admins can create test step fields

  1. We already have a User Picker field for the test step. There you can select the user as the assignee.

  2. To add that field you can follow these steps:

  3. Go to Settings → click Apps

  4. Go to Test Step Fields → click create a new Test Step Field

  5. Select User Picker

Who can delete a test plan or folder?

Currently, AgileTest app only allows project admins to delete issues and delete folders.

For AgileTest is there a API open?

Yes, we support public APIs in our latest release, check out the guide here: Getting Started.
here is the API doc:

Can we create a new test case by copying an existing test case including test steps?

Yes, in our latest release, you can now clone test case functionality including test steps.

Can company-managed projects manually map isue types?

company-managed projects can automatically and manually manage mapping issue types.

Should test cases be marked as 'Done' or 'To Do' after use?

For TestCases status, you do not need to change Jira status of TestCase. Because each test case has its own TestExecution status. Therefore, Jira status will not affect to TestCase status , you just need to leave it as To Do and create Test Execution for it.

AgileTest is not displayed as usual and all checklists disappeared after few month?

It appears that you haven't used AgileTest for a while.

In our latest updates, we've added a Test Case Management feature. This new feature needs you to map certain test types to issue types. Could you visit the Issue Types Mapping area(left-side-panel, under Setting section), finish the manual configuration, and then give it another try? You can check some tutorials here: Video Tutorial

Want to configure the Test Script Issue type and Test Run as Sub Task?

We recommend create the Test Script and link it to the respective Story afterward.
And currently we have not supported adding Test Run as Sub-task at the moment.

When will API and CLI to integrate with automated Test, BDD, CI/CD pipelines, and DevOps tools
  • We recently just release some public APIs for users to integrate, check out here.

  • For Automation Testing, we will support hooking automation into your CICD & map user stories using BDD, automate using Cucumber.

  • Automation Test is our next planned feature, along with some UI/UX improvements.

Can I export test cases?

Yes, you can export test cases into CSV files.

Should you need any assistance or further AgileTest inquiries, contact here!

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