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The Sprint Test feature is a powerful addition designed to streamline test management and organization. With this feature, users can efficiently associate tests with specific sprints, enabling your team to align testing efforts with development cycles seamlessly. 

1. Create Sprint

If users are in AgileTest view, go back Backlog section (Left-hand side panel), and choose AgileTest Sprint View , scroll down through sprints boards to get to Backlog boardCreate Sprint.

2. View & Manage Sprints

If users are in AgileTest view, go back Board (Back to project) section (Left-hand side panel), and choose AgileTest Sprint View.


In this AgileTest Sprint View, users can view details of sprints via names and their milestone status.


Users can manage sprints with milestones:

  1. Link Sprint with specific Milestones in project

  2. Here you can have the options to:

  • Change status of the Sprints

Status →


Status →


To Do


Past Due




  • Unlink Sprints with that Milestones

 3. Sections to view and manage Sprints

3.1. Milestone

Users can view the sprint (linked with milestone) via Milestone


Sprints can be assigned with Milestone:

  1. Create a new Milestone

  2. Fill out the information

  3. Choose Link with Sprint

  4. Select the existing sprints from the dropdown


3.2. Test Executions

In Test Executions, users can handle Milestones with linked sprints directly within the Test Execution tab.


Should you need any assistance or further AgileTest inquiries, contact our 24/7 Support Desk!


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