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User Guide

AgileTest is a comprehensive, full-featured test management solution for Jira, it supports all possible testing management strategies and more.

The child pages are organized by the simple hierarchy for users to get started with AgileTest:

Test Scripts

  • Tired of messing around with spreadsheets or old-school test case management and want to spend more time on actually testing? Test Script is designed for you. Write more comprehensive test scripts and checklists with a robust editor. Immediately execute and record the outcomes.

Test Sessions

  • Enhance your development lifecycle with more robust exploratory testing, session management and note taking capabilities, enabling you and your team to more efficiently manage test sessions and ad-hoc tests for more rapid release cycles and smoother continuous delivery.

Test case management

  • Enhance your testing strategy with full test case management, including Test Case, Test PreCondition, Test Suite, Test Steps, Test Plan, Test Run and comprehensive reports.


  • Open APIs and CLI features to support automated Test, BDD, integration with CI/CD pipelines, DevOps tools and other related elements to maximize efficiency and performance.

Should you need any assistance or further AgileTest inquiries, contact here!

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