3.2. Create New Licenses
There are 02 ways to create new licenses: BULK IMPORT and MANUAL SET UP.
Manual Set Up
On the top right of the Licenses page, click on the and you will be navigated to the "Create License" screen. This screen allows you to input detailed information about each license.
Fill in the Required Information:
Software Name: Provide a descriptive name for the software (e.g., "Microsoft Office 365").
Category: Choose the category that best describes the software. Use the New button to add a new category if one doesn’t exist.
Seats: Specify the number of licenses or user seats available for this software.
Manufacturer: Select the software manufacturer from the list. You can add a new manufacturer by clicking New.

Optional Fields:
Serial, Department, Depreciation, Inventory, Suppliers, etc: Use these fields to add further details about the license.
Reassignable: Check this box if the license can be reassigned to another user, which means it can be checked in.

Order Related Information:
Order Number: Enter the unique order number for tracking purposes.
Purchase Cost: Specify the cost of the license, using up to two decimal places.
Purchase Date: Select the date the license was purchased.
Expiration Date: Choose the date the license will expire. This is crucial for receiving notifications.
Termination Date: If applicable, enter the date the license agreement ends.
Purchase Order Number: Input the purchase order number related to this license for reference.
To set up when you want to be notified about an upcoming license expiration, go to Preferences.

After filling in all the necessary details, click the "Save" button to create the new license in AssetIT.
Bulk Import
On the top right of the Licenses page, click on
to initiate the process.
You will see a table that instructs you to use the sample CSV file for data preparation.

Once you finish preparing your data, import it into the app. You will then be taken to the Data Preview stage.
In the Data Preview stage, the app will highlight any fields with errors, allowing you to make adjustments directly.
To modify data information, click on the Edit button.
To automatically generate missing data for DEPARTMENT, INVENTORY, CATEGORY, LOCATION, SUPPLIER, MANUFACTURER, and STATUS LABEL, click on the “Generate Data” button.

You can also download the most recently modified data into a CSV file for further customization by clicking the button at the bottom of the list.
Click on Submit to finish importing your licenses.
You should now see a list of your licenses on the Licenses page.