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What's New in AssetIT Version 1.4.18-AC

🆕 New Features:

  • Data Migration from Asset Management for Jira
    Seamlessly migrate your existing data from the Asset Management for Jira app to AssetIT.


Easily map fields from AMFJ to AssetIT.

🚀 Improvements:

1. Asset Management:

  • DeleteAt Column for Trashed Resources
    A new deleteAt column has been added to track when resources are moved to Trash, improving asset lifecycle visibility.

DeleteAt Column.png
  • Bulk Custody Verification Requests
    You can now filter custody verification requests based on the custody statuses. What’s more, you can decide if requests can be resent, making sure no asset custody will be overlooked.

bulk verification filter.png
  • Bulk Check-In for Accessories and Licenses
    Added the ability to perform bulk check-ins directly from the Accessory and License details pages, streamlining asset management.

Bulk checkin licenses.png

Checkin licenses and accessories in bulk to save time and reduce manual tasks.

  • Asset Booking Control
    You can now enable or disable the booking of assets that are currently IN USE, providing better flexibility in asset management.

Asset booking control.png

2. Notifications & Communication:

  • Auto Check-In Notifications
    Receive notifications when all resources are automatically checked in, keeping you informed of asset status changes.

Auto checkin notification.png

Automatically return assets from a deactivated account and send out an alert for the update.

  • Bulk Check-In Notifications
    Email notifications are now sent when performing bulk check-ins on Accessories and Licenses in the "Used By" tab.

3. Performance & UI:

  • Performance Enhancements: Optimized export times and improved the validation of tags and serial numbers when creating or updating assets, leading to faster processing.

  • Improved Asset Searching Ability in JSM Portal: Quickly locate assets in the JSM portal with the new ability to search by Serial Numbers or Asset Tags.

  • Enhanced Email & App Notifications: Improved reliability and clarity for both email and app notifications, ensuring timely and accurate communication.

Need assistance? Please reach out to us at our Support Desk.

Have ideas to enhance our app? Visit our Idea Portal and share your thoughts with us—we’d love to hear from you!

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