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What’s New in AssetIT version 1.4.12-AC

Hey 👋 Guess what’s new in this version!! It’s Automation Rules for your asset management and many improvements to enhance your experience with AssetIT 🚀

🆕 New Feature

You asked, and we listened! Our upgraded Jira integration now lets you automate more tasks and sync data seamlessly with Automation


Sync asset status with Jira issue changes, automate assigning users, and even create Jira issues automatically when assets are overdue or licenses expire. Say goodbye to manual updates!


An example of automation rule creation

Need more templates? Check this out ➡️ How to Set Up Automation Rules?

🔧 Feature Improvements

In this release, we have made many efforts to improve:

🛠️ Customization and Flexibility

  • Default Currency Setting: Now you can set and customize your default currency, making it easier to track costs the way you prefer.

Default Currency.jpg
  • Improved Model Creation Shortcut: Hey newcomers! The "New Model" shortcut has been enhanced to let you create manufacturers and categories right from the form. Check this ⬇️


📊 Enhanced Resource Management

  • Checkout List: Avoid double-checking! AssetIT will now show you what licenses have already checked out to a specific user.

checkout list.jpg
  • Bulk Model Deletion: Cleaning up your asset models? You can now delete multiple models at once, saving time and effort.

bulk delete asset model.jpg
  • Quantity Checkouts: Checking out accessories or licenses in bulk? Now you can do it all in one go—no need to do it one by one!

checkout quantity.jpg
  • Settings API Exposure: Need access to data in Settings? We’ve exposed APIs for easier integration and data retrieval.

🐞 Bug Fixes

We’ve squashed some bugs and made performance enhancements to ensure AssetIT works better and faster for everyone.

⭐ Ready to try these new features? Jump into AssetIT now and explore what’s possible!

For detailed instructions, please visit our Use Guide. If you need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to us at our Support Desk.

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