If you encounter this error message when working with GanttTable, it is because the issue field type has not been set in your project settings.
Such date fields must be added to the issue screen from your Jira settings. And only the issue type that has the mapped fields can be planned in GanttTable.
Here is how to do it:
For Company-managed projects
Adding Jira Fields
To add a Jira field to an issue screen:
1. Go to Settings, then choose Issues. (Note: You need admin access)
2. In the left menu, locate the Fields tab and select Field configurations. Then, find the appropriate configuration and click Configure.
3. Search for the field you want to add and click Screens.
4. Select the “Default Issue Screen” for the project. Or, you can also choose to screen this issue field for all projects.
5. Scroll to the bottom of the list and click Update.
Adding Custom Fields
To add a custom field to an issue screen:
1. Go to Settings, then choose Issues.
2. In the left menu, locate the Fields tab and select Custom fields.
3. Search the field you want (In this case, you’ll want to find a ‘date’ field). Click the … on the far right, and select Associate to Screens.
4. Now, you can search for a specific project and select the “Default Issue Screen” for it. You can also choose to screen this field for all projects.
5. Scroll to the bottom of the list and click Update.
For Team-managed projects
Since team-managed projects don’t have a screen scheme, fields can be added to each issue type directly.
From your project board, locate Project settings on the left column -> go to Issue types.
Go to Project settings
Choose Issue types
In the Field column on the right, you should find the Start date and Due date fields.
You can use other fields like Actual start and Actual end.
Then, you can drag and drop these fields to the issue type.
Click Save changes.
Please remember to do this process for all issue types used in your project (e.g., Subtasks, Bugs, Stories, Epics…, etc.) to ensure the app functions properly.
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