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Portfolio settings

This is where you can configure your portfolio board in GanttTable and make it work for everyone else on your team.

Portfolio info

Here, you can freely change the name of the portfolio board to your liking.

Additionally, you can toggle on or off the Auto-scheduling feature.

What is Auto-scheduling?

Auto-scheduling automatically adjusts task dates and dependencies when changes are made to the Gantt chart, ensuring your project timeline stays up to date.

With this feature, you don’t have to manually adjust every task when something changes while maintaining the correct order and flow of tasks.

Fields mapping

This is where you will map Jira date fields to the GanttTable’s task start and end dates. It visually reflects project timelines with Jira issue dates.

Dependencies mapping

This allows you to map the Gantt dependencies between tasks which will be visualized on the Gantt chart. It also seamlessly integrates task dependencies with the corresponding Jira issue link types.

You need to map dependencies with the issue links in your Jira projects to use this feature.

For more details, please visit the Dependency section.

Issue sources

This is where you can manage all issues from all Jira projects that you added to this portfolio board. You can see the total Jira issues, remove projects from the portfolio, or add more.

While adding more issue sources, you can either choose to use Project or JQL to search for the source you want.

Saved views

In GanttTable, you are empowered to create different custom views to tell a different story.

In the settings, you can make a custom view as a default one for every member of your team. Or, you can delete a view from the list.

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