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Confluence 1.1.6-AC

We're thrilled to announce that Routemap for Confluence has got a new version with more exciting features and improvements.

New features

In this new version of Routemap for Confluence 1.1.6-AC, we’re adding more exciting functionalities to existed features for a wholesome experience. More specifically, we added Assignee for bars and Kanban items, a search box for tasks in the Kanban.

add assignee-20240911-041931.jpg

Moreover, we brought Description to bars and kanban items to help you clarify tasks to your members or stakeholders.

Last but not least, you can now link Confluence pages and blog posts to Roadmap bars. This feature helps you add references to tasks on the roadmap.

Link Confluence pages-20240911-042231.jpg


  • Replaced lane and container modal with the Right Menu-content.

  • Replaced Edit Bar Modal with the Bar Info on the Right Menu Content.

  • Added Space's names to the Confluence pages selection.

  • Improved page loading speed when clicking on a bar.

  • Hide private Confluence pages.

  • Other UI and UX improvements.

Bug fixes

We also rolled out fixes in this version to make Routemap work best for you:

  • Fixed an issue with auto scroll when editing a lane.

  • Fixed the wrong display of the Confluence page when changing the bar.

  • Fixed an issue of adding invalid dates to the bar.

We hope this new version of Routemap for Confluence can enhance your productivity and experience even further.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us via the Support Desk.

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