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Confluence 1.1.8-AC

We are excited to announce that a new version has arrived at Routemap for Confluence with new features and improvements.

New feature - Gantt chart

In this 1.1.8-AC version, we’re bringing the Gantt chart feature to Routemap for Confluence. So now, if you don’t feel like using the Features timeline or the Kanban from the app, you can choose Gantt to visualize and manage your tasks.

As you can expect from any Gantt chart, this feature also offers the auto-scheduling ability, visualizing the duration of tasks as bars, and connecting dependencies between those tasks effortlessly.


The new Gantt Chart for Confluence

Additionally, you can create tasks as milestones on the Gantt to mark important dates or events in your project. With this new update, you can plan tasks and monitor their progress against the planned schedule.

Interactive Gantt chart to your Confluence pages

Similar to the other two features of Routemap for Confluence, you can also add this new Gantt chart to any of your Confluence pages and share it with your colleagues or stakeholders.

Interactive Gantt chart on your Confluence pages

Interactive Gantt chart on your Confluence pages

Moreover, this is an interactive Gantt chart, allowing you to view and track tasks directly without having to access Routemap itself. 

All can happen on your Confluence pages.


We also made an improvement to the Features timeline view. We’ve added a creating task functionality in the Create button to help you quickly add task to the roadmap.

Add task-20240913-080517.jpg

If you have any questions or requests, please contact us via the Support Desk. We are happy to help.

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