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Create a new board

You can start by clicking “New board” in Routemap for Confluence.


You can only create a new Routemap board using one board type.

1. Information

Now, you can fill in the requirements to create your board.

Board type: choose which type of board you want to use for your project. Currently, Routemap for Confluence supports Features Timeline, Kanban, and Gantt.

Title: the name of this board.

Description: provide additional information to better describe the board. You can leave this box empty if your board does not need any clarification.

Start date and End date: decide how long this board lasts to represent the starting date and ending date of your projects. You can also adjust the dates later in the board settings.

For a broader view range, it is recommended to set both Start and End dates exceed the actual timeline.

2. Permission

Editor role: this will allow the user that you add to have full permission to edit this roadmap like you.


  • Public: this will allow other members of your team to see this roadmap in the roadmap board list.

  • Private: this mode will make this new roadmap visible to ONLY its creator and invited users in the Viewer role.

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