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This is where you’ll find the answers to the most frequently asked questions about Routemap for Confluence.

About Routemap for Confluence

What are containers for?

By using the Container feature, you can group multiple tasks together. They can either relate to each other or belong to a member of your team.

In this way, you can manage tasks easier and be able to locate them faster when you’re working on tons of different tasks.

How can I share my Routemap boards to the others?

You can share Routemap boards (including Features Timeline, Kanban, or Gantt) by inserting it into your Confluence pages.

You can also share the boards with external users outside of your organization for other purposes.

Can the app integrate with Jira issues?

Not yet. Currently, Routemap for Confluence does not support integrating with Jira issues.

However, this feature is on our product development roadmap and will be available in future updates.

Please stay tuned!

Data related

Where is data stored?

Your data is stored on Google Cloud globally in all regions, using Cloud SQL from GCP. All data is encrypted before being stored in database tables and encrypted while being transmitted between the client and server. Please check this documentation as a reference.

*Please note: all stored data is app-related, NOT your personal data. DevSamurai does not collect, process, or store any personal or identifiable information across our apps and services.

How secure is my data with Routemap for Confluence?

It is our top priority to keep your data secure.

Routemap has been verified for SOC 2 Type II Compliance and undergoes regular penetration testing to ensure robust security.

For more detailed information, please visit our Trust Center.

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