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A Kanban board is a tool used in project management and workflow organization, particularly in Agile and Lean methodologies. Teams can use it to visualize their work, maximize efficiency, and improve continuously.

It typically consists of several columns representing different stages of the workflow and visualize their tasks as cards on the board. This allows team members to track the progress of tasks as they move from one stage to another.

After creating a new Routemap board using Kanban for Confluence, you can start by creating a new column or swim lane.

1. When adding a new column

You can click the Create button and choose Column. There will be a modal showing up to help you set it up.

Create new column-20240909-073344.jpg

Here, you can add the column’s Name, Description, and even Start and End dates (if they are required in your project).

Then, click Add.

Additionally, you can click the 3-dot symbol on the column to Edit, Insert 1 more column to the Left/Right, or Delete it.

Edit column-20240909-073846.jpg

2. When adding a new swimlane

To create a new swimlane, just simply click the Create button, choose Swimlane, and give it a title.

3. Adding a new task

You can add a task to the Kanban by hovering on a column and clicking on the (plus) symbol.

Here, you can assign this task to a member, input a Summary, and fill in the description if needed.

💡 Bonus tip:

You can always adjust the Kanban board on the fly by dragging and dropping tasks, columns, and swimlanes to your preference.

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