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Sprint Kanban board

Sprint Kanban is Routemap’s brand-new feature. With it, users can now seamlessly visualize and manage their Scrum board and product development sprints. 

What is Sprint? 

It is a time-boxed period in which a Scrum team works to complete a set amount of work. Sprints typically last from 1 to 4 weeks, with two weeks being a common duration.

What is Sprint Kanban? 

Sprint Kanban is a hybrid approach combining the sprint element from the Scrum team with the principles of Kanban to manage and visualize work in progress. 

In this feature, teams can use the Kanban board to visualize each product sprint in a column for all projects and manage their Jira tasks or issues in swimlanes.

Additionally, teams can seamlessly create sprints on the fly and assign (or create) issues from their Jira projects.


There are cases where you will find your current projects unavailable for Routemap’s Sprint Kanban even when your board already has projects included.

To resolve this issue, please refer to How to resolve the unavailable board in Sprint Kanban.

To access this feature, you will have to check the feature box in the board settings.

Then, you can simply go to the Sprint Kanban tab.

1. Create Sprints

You can freely add new product sprints directly within the app, and they will also be updated on your Jira project board. 

You can click on the Create button and choose Sprint or click Add column.

When creating a new sprint, you can:

  • Decide which board (or project) you want to add this new sprint to.

  • Choose a name for your sprint.

  • Decide the sprint’s duration.

  • Choose a Start date and End date.

  • Clarify a specific goal you want to achieve in this sprint (optional).

Additionally, you can freely adjust the sprint column order by dragging and dropping to suit your needs.

2. Create Swimlanes

You can create a new swimlane by clicking the Create button and choosing Swimlane.

You can define swimlanes to manage tasks effectively. You can also: 

  • Edit swimlane

  • Delete swimlane

Moreover, you can insert a new swimlane above or below the designated one. 

3. Adding issues to Sprint Kanban

You can add your existing Jira issues from the scrum project by dragging and dropping them from the issue box on the right.

You can also add a new or existing Jira issue directly to the Sprint Kanban by clicking on the + button in a specific sprint column.

Add a new issue to sprint-20240515-034720.jpg

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