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The Permissions Page allows admins to control and manage access rights for users within the TeamBoard app, TeamBoard Board.

App Permissions

Board Permissions

Tasks Permissions

Dashboard permissions

TimeSheet Permissions

For permissions related to Board, Column, Dashboard, and Workspace Account, you can read more here.

App Permissions

TeamBoard app permissions follow the board types in :

  • Main Boards: TeamBoard apps on Main Boards are visible to all team member within your account.

  • Shareable Boards: TeamBoard apps on Shareable Boards are designed for sharing with external users like clients, interns, or freelancers. You can invite these external users as guests, and only those invited will have access to the board.

  • Private Boards: TeamBoard apps on Private Boards are only visible to the board creator and specific users they invite. Private boards are strictly for internal use, meaning only team members can be invited, and guests are not allowed.

Application Admin

You can assign any user as an App Admin. An App Admin has full permissions within the app, allowing them to manage all aspects of TeamBoard.

Application Admin.png

Application Access Restrictions

If an Admin wants to restrict a user's access to TeamBoard, they can do so by blocking the user. Restricted users will not be able to access TeamBoard or view any task plans.

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Board Permissions

TeamBoard Board permissions follow the board types in :

  • Main Boards: TeamBoard apps on Main Boards are visible to all team member within your account.

  • Shareable Boards: TeamBoard apps on Shareable Boards are designed for sharing with external users like clients, interns, or freelancers. You can invite these external users as guests, and only those invited will have access to the board.

  • Private Boards: TeamBoard apps on Private Boards are only visible to the board creator and specific users they invite. Private boards are strictly for internal use, meaning only team members can be invited, and guests are not allowed.

Board Access Restrictions

If an Admin wants to restrict a user's access to TeamBoard Board, they can do so by blocking the user. Restricted users will not be able to access TeamBoard Board or view any task plans.

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Tasks Permissions

Follow Items permissions you are setting on


Even if a user doesn’t have permission to plan tasks, they will still appear on the resource tab. If you prefer not to display certain users, you can use filters to sort them out or restrict their access to the board. Restricting users from the board will also help reduce the data displayed on the board.

Dashboard permissions

Follow Dashboard permissions you are setting on

Restricting a user from the board will not impact their access to the dashboard if they have specific permissions for it. Users with dashboard permissions can still view and interact with the dashboard even if they are restricted from the board itself.

TimeSheet Permissions

  • Members: Can only log time for themselves. They can view and manage only their own time entries.

  • Admins: Have the ability to view and manage time logs for all users. Admins can select any team or user to see detailed time entries across the workspace.

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