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4.0.0 Release notes

New features

A major release and we are so happy to announce that some most requested features are now available. Yay!

  • Mapping start date and end date with Jira fields: Configure the fields mapping for each project to use Jira fields when scheduling. More details here

  • Export issues lists in Gantt Timeline: Export the list of issues with start date, end date and other fields into Excel file for external processes.

  • Gantt timeline quick filter: project admin or Jira admin can create JQL filters and make them available for users to filter the issues in Timeline

  • Sorting for Timeline issues list: you can now sort by issue summary, issue key, start date, end date or fix version. More advanced features for Gantt chart are under development and will be available soon

  • Board admin permission: a setting to configure board admin, board admin has full permission on the board

  • Expand all/Collapse all the hierarchies in Gantt Timeline


  • Save current board states to user preferences: view settings, UI sates etc are saved so user can see the same board when visit again on all devices.

  • Highlight the Gantt Timeline row when active

  • Only allow 1 plan when mapping with Jira fields due to Jira spec

Bug fixes

  • Error message when deleting an issue

  • Adjust the height of member lane

  • Update Jira Assignee field when moving tasks to other user in Schedule

  • Fullscreen view doesn't align with normal view

  • Jump search in Team is blank

  • Exclude holiday when counting the scheduled hours

  • Can’t load app configuration with Oracle DB

  • Can’t load Report with Oracle DB

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