Original Estimate field
There are 2 fields Σ Original estimate supported in TeamBoard's Timeline and Gantt chart
Σ Original estimate (Jira)
Σ Original estimate (TeamBoard)
These fields are different in the aggregation calculation of the original estimate:
1. Original estimate (Jira)
Calculation Method: The Σ Original Estimate in Jira is calculated by summing the original estimates of a task and its child tasks.
Example: Σ Original estimate ( SP-6) = Original estimate SP-6 + Original Estimate SP-2 + Original estimate SP-1

2. Σ Original estimate (TeamBoard)
Calculation Method: The Σ Original Estimate in TeamBoard includes the original estimates of a task, its direct child tasks, and any other child tasks related to the parent task.
Example: Σ Original estimate ( SP-6) = Original estimate (SP-6) + Original estimate (SP-2) + Original estimate (SP-1) + Original estimate (SP-5) + Original estimate (SP-5)