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My Profile

The "My Profile" section in TimePlanner serves as a centralized hub for individual users or authorized admins to manage and update information and preferences within the platform.

It's designed to enhance the user experience by providing a personalized space where you can manage profiles as well as navigate to other important tabs easily, including the Dashboard, Timesheets, Leaves, Reports, and Settings.

When you select "My Profile" from the drop-down menu under 'Members', you are taken directly to the profile tab.



In the "Dashboard" tab, you'll find an overview of your information. This may include relevant statistics or data specific to your profile.

My profile dashboard.png


Switch to the "Profile" tab to view detailed information about yourself. This includes your job title, department, introduction, years of experience, working experiences (such as project name, position, project start, description, and skill set), and technical skills.

  • You can edit your profile information. Look for an "Edit Profile" option.

  • You have the option to export your profile to a document format such as DOCX or PDF. This can be useful for sharing or printing your profile.

Some fields require Fields Data the metadata created by Admin

Profile fields

  • Job title: select from the Position fields data

  • Department: select from the Department fields data

  • Introduction: brief self-introduction

  • Years of experience: number

  • Technical skills: select from the Skills fields data and rate from 1 to 5 stars, user can have multiple skills

  • Note: note about the resource

  • Experience: work experience

    • Project Name

    • Position: select from the Position fields data

    • Project Start date

    • Project end date: If the user checks “I’m still working on this project”, the end date will be ignored

    • Project duration in months: Instead of end date user can provide the project duration

    • Description

    • Skills set: select from the Skills fields data, a user can have multiple skills


In the "Timesheets" tab, you can access your timesheets and view their statuses.

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  • Submit time: the moment when you submit that timesheet

  • Time on timesheet: the week that the timesheet is being displayed


Users can see details about his/her leave statuses.

This tab is enabled when you activate the leave approval workflow in the leaves setting

Leave settings


The "Report" tab lets you view any reports associated with your profile.

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Access the "Settings" tab to customize various aspects. This includes configuring options such as the default approver, daily capacity, notifications, and the holiday calendar.

Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 15.35.43.png

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