Goals in a User Story Map
What is a Goal?
The actions that users take in order to reach their larger goals have a goal level that’s tied to user behavior.
How to create a goal?
To create a goal, go to the portion of the user story map where the goal is displayed. Click on the “+” button with a goal or on the Add new goal space.
Details that are displayed on the goal card on the user story map are:
Title of the goal
Details of the goal (Goal detail)
Project icon
Status of the goal - By default for newly created goals it is “To Do”.
Goal color
Delate goal
Add details to a goal by clicking on the “Goal detail” icon.
The below screen will pop up as a result of clicking the Goal detail icon.
Now, details are to be added for the goal.
Add description
The status of the goal is also shown on the right top of this dialogue window. Users can click on it and choose among To Do, In Progress, and Done from the dropdown list
Select Lead from the dropdown on the right side
Select Label from the dropdown on the right side
Select related members from the dropdown on the right side
Add Personas for this goal from the dropdown on the right side
Select the Start date and Due date from the calendar
Epics that are linked to a goal are displayed under this term mentioned Epics in this Goal.
Below is an example of a Goal that contains all the required fields.