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Cascade sorting

Gantt charts are powerful visual tools for planning and monitoring project progress. To make it even easier to follow and understand the flow of tasks, you can enable Cascade Sorting, which arranges tasks in a sequential, cascading order based on their start dates.

When you enable Cascade Sorting, tasks are automatically sorted by date, with tasks that have earlier start dates appearing higher up on the chart. This way, you get a clear view of task dependencies and an organized timeline that reflects the project's natural progression.

Cascade Sorting.png

How to Enable Cascade Sorting?

  • Go to the top left corner of the project grid in the Gantt View.

  • Click on Cascade Sorting to activate this feature.

  • Once enabled, the tasks will rearrange themselves automatically based on their start dates.

Example: If Task A starts on October 1st, Task B on October 5th, and Task C on October 10th, they will appear in this order, from top to bottom, to show the sequential flow of the project.

 Cascade Sorting 2.png

By organizing tasks from earliest to latest, Cascade Sorting helps you quickly identify task priorities and dependencies, helping you and your team stay on track.

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