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Field Mapping in PPM

it's crucial to map the PPM fields to the corresponding columns in your table. This ensures seamless data synchronization from to PPM. The app supports mapping for the main items.

Initial Setup

After installing PPM for the first time, a popup will appear prompting you to configure the settings. You’ll need to specify which columns in your main table should sync with PPM.

Screenshot 2024-03-26 at 14.17.12.png

You must set mapping fields before starting to use PPM

Accessing Settings

  • Click on “Open Settings” to access the configuration dialog

  • Map the necessary fields as required.

Note: If the essential fields are not mapped correctly, the Gantt chart feature will not function.

The mapping field setting

Note: You need to configure the settings for both main and sub-items to ensure accurate data synchronization.

Mapped Fields

  • Timeline *:

    • Column Type: Timeline

    • Set the designated date range for each task.

  • Assignee *:

    • Column Type: People

    • Specify the team members assigned to each task.

  • Status *:

    • Column Type: Status

    • Track the current status of each task.

Screenshot 2024-03-26 at 14.26.23.png

👏 If you encounter an empty drop-down box, it means there are no columns with the right type available. To address this, you'll need to visit the main table and create the required field.

Update field mappings:

To update field mappings, go to Map Field and configure the settings for both main and sub-items.

Update field mappings.png

Go to board setting and choosing “Map fields”

Update field mappings2.png

You can switch to other columns that contain the data you want to display in PPM.

Thank you for choosing PPM as your trusted Project Portfolio Management solution. For any assistance or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. Enjoy managing your projects with us!

For more details:

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Elevate Your Project Potential with PPM !

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