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Version 2.0.0

We are excited to announce the release of Portfolio Project Management Version 2.0.0!


Work capacity scheme

Set the maximum number of hours each team member can work in a day. You can customize this for individuals or entire teams.

Work capacity scheme.png

Add Scheduled Hours

Assign tasks to team members based on their capacity. Schedule tasks with specific hours and deadlines.

Set assignment.png

Manage Workloads

Keep an eye on your team’s workload with a visual interface. See how work is spread out and spot who is overworked or underworked using color-coded indicators.

Helps balance workloads to prevent burnout and increase efficiency. Provides real-time insights so you can adjust tasks as needed.

Manage Workloads.gif


Export workload data, schedules, and capacity reports in formats like CSV or PDF for sharing and analysis.

Thank you for choosing PPM as your trusted Project Portfolio Management solution. For any assistance or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. Enjoy managing your projects with us!

For more details:

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πŸ“Ί Watch Demo Video | 🌎 Visit site | πŸ–₯️ Contact Support | πŸ“‘ Release Note | πŸ” Trust Center


Elevate Your Project Potential with PPM !

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