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Version 3.3.0

We are excited to announce the release of Project Portfolio Management - PPM Version 3.3.0!


Group by

Organize and analyze your projects with ease using the new "Group by" functionality, making data categorization and visualization more efficient.

Group by.png

Parent progress calculation

Gain better insights into overall project progress with automatic parent progress calculations based on sub-task completion.

Parent progress calculation.png


Stay on top of deadlines with a clear and intuitive "Overdue" indicator, helping you prioritize tasks and mitigate delays.


Critical path

Visualize and manage the critical path for your projects to focus on tasks that directly impact delivery timelines.

Critical path.png

Reverting baseline

Effortlessly revert to a previous baseline, ensuring flexibility and control over project planning adjustments.

Reverting baseline.png


  • Enhance fetching board

Enjoy faster and more reliable performance with optimized board fetching, making your workflow smoother and more responsive.

Thank you for choosing PPM as your trusted Project Portfolio Management solution. For any assistance or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. Enjoy managing your projects with us!

For more details:

🤵 Book a Demo | 🙋 FAQs

📺 Watch Demo Video | 🌎 Visit site | 🖥️ Contact Support | 📑 Release Note | 🔐 Trust Center


Elevate Your Project Potential with PPM !

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