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Workload Management

Workload Management with PPM for

Provides a clear view of who is working on what, enabling better monitoring and adjustments.

Ensures that no team member is overburdened while others are underutilized.

Activate Workload Panel

  • Click the "Workload" button on the top bar to enable the Workload split panel.

    Screenshot 2024-07-15 at 10.42.13.png
Manage Workloads.gif

Manage Workload

The workload is calculated by dividing the scheduled hours by the capacity hours. For example, if a user has a capacity of 8 hours and is scheduled for 6 hours, their workload is 6h/8h (yellow color).

  1. Click the Workload button in the menu and view the workload of each user.

  2. Switch the view to see the workload for your entire team.

Manage Workload.png

The workload is color-coded for easy understanding:

  • Green: Full workload - Tasks assigned to an individual or team member have a moderate amount of work

  • Yellow: Under workload - Tasks assigned exceed the capacity of the individual or team

  • Red: Overload - Tasks assigned have a lower volume of work than the individual's or team's capacity.

  • Grey: No scheduled hours.

This color-coding helps you quickly identify who is overloaded and who can take on more tasks.

If you notice an imbalance in workload, you can reassign tasks directly from the Board.

Move the mouse here to see a quick view of this user's work capacity hours for a week.

quick view.png

Click on a user's workload bar to see detailed task assignments.

detailed task assignments..png

Setting Work Capacity Hours

This setting defines the maximum number of hours a user can work in a day.

  1. Navigate to App SettingsWork Capacity Scheme.

  2. Click the New Scheme button.

Work capacity scheme.png
  1. Enter the name of the scheme.

  2. Assign the scheme to the desired users.

name of the scheme..png

  1. Choose the number of capacity hours/day.

number of hours..png

  1. Click Save.

  2. Click the three-dot button next to the scheme to Edit, Duplicate, or Delete a Capacity Scheme.

Editing, Duplicating, or Deleting a Capacity Scheme.png

Adding Scheduled Hours

Scheduled hours are the hours planned and assigned to a specific task for a user.

  1. Right-click on the task in the timeline.

Adding Scheduled Hours.png

  1. Select Schedule Hour.

  2. Enter the total number of hours for the task.

  3. The system will automatically distribute the hours per day.

Set assignment.png
  1. Users can delete, edit hours, or add more assignees.

  2. Click “Save”

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