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Installation and Access app

1. Installation

There are 2 ways to install Agile Test onto your instance.

  1. Install from Jira instance

  2. Install from Marketplace

Install from Jira instance Apps menu

  1. Go to Apps section (top menu bar).

  2. Choose Explore more apps section from the drop-down menu.

  3. Search for the Agile Test - Enterprise QA & Test Management for Jira app.

  4. Install and try the app for free in 30 days by clicking the Get app button.


AgileTest on Atlassian Marketplace

Install from Marketplace

  1. Access to Atlassian Marketplace.

  2. Search for the Agile Test - Enterprise QA & Test Management for Jira app.

  3. Install and try the app for free in 30 days by clicking the Get it now button.


2. Access AgileTest

There are 2 ways to access AgileTest:

  1. From the menu Apps

  2. From project side panel

From Apps menu

  1. On Jira menu bar, click Apps → AgileTest to redirect to AgileTest projects page.


Access AgileTesa via Jira menu panel

From project sidebar

  1. Open your project.

  2. Expand left-side menu panel and find AgileTest to redirect to AgileTest feature screen.


Access AgileTest from the left side panel

Should you need any assistance or further AgileTest inquiries, contact our 24/7 Support Desk!

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