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Frequently Asked Questions


What are Asset Types?

Asset Types are categories that classify different types of assets within the system.

They help organize and track assets based on their unique characteristics and functionalities, enabling efficient management and analysis.

Do you provide support for QR code scanners?

Yes, AssetIT supports QR code scanners and bulk export.

QR code scanning functionality is an integral part of AssetIT's Jira asset management capabilities.

The system allows you to generate unique QR codes for your assets and then scan them using compatible scanners or mobile devices equipped with scanning capabilities.

Are there any limits on the number of assets you can create?

There are no limits to the number of assets you can create.

How do I link a license to my Jira issue?

To link a license or IT assets to a Jira issue, simply add the "External Asset Platform” custom field to your issue, filter your disired types of asset, and then add the IT assets to your Jira issue. For detailed instructions, please refer our User Guide for How to Link an Asset to a Jira Issue.

Can I import data into AssetIT? How do I do it?

Yes, AssetIT facilitates the import of data through CSV files. For a seamless import process, we recommend referring to our detailed User Guide on How to Import Data to AssetIT. This guide provides step-by-step instructions to help you efficiently transfer your data into the platform.

Will I be able to migrate data from other applications to AssetIT?

Absolutely! AssetIT team is currently working on developing a feature that will allow for smooth data migration from any other application directly into AssetIT. This highly anticipated feature is already in the backlog and will be available soon. Stay tuned for updates on new release to enhance your AssetIT experience.


How secure is AssetIT for Jira?
  • Authentication and Access Control: AssetIT: Asset management for Jira integrates with Jira's built-in user management and access control mechanisms, allowing you to leverage the existing authentication and authorization features of Jira. This helps ensure that only authorized users have access to your assets.

  • Data Encryption: AssetIT for Jira ensures that data transmission between your browser and the application is encrypted using industry-standard SSL/TLS protocols. This helps protect your information from unauthorized interception and ensures secure communication.

  • Role-Based Permissions: AssetIT for Jira offers granular control over user permissions and access rights. You can assign specific roles and permissions to different users or user groups, allowing you to manage access to assets based on specific organizational requirements.

  • Audit Logs: AssetIT for Jira maintains detailed audit logs, capturing important information about asset modifications, user activities, and system events. This provides a transparent view of all actions performed within the application, aiding in monitoring and investigation if needed.

  • Regular Updates and Maintenance: The development team behind AssetIT for Jira is committed to providing regular updates and security patches to address any potential vulnerabilities or security issues. This helps ensure that the application remains secure and up-to-date.

  • Participating in Bug Bounty programs: Bug Bounty programs allow security researchers and ethical hackers to identify and report potential vulnerabilities or security weaknesses in exchange for rewards or recognition.


Can I trial AssetIT for Jira before purchasing it?

Yes, AssetIT trial period is available to users, which normally lasts for 30 days.

For up to 10 users, you can enjoy a permanent trial of all features of AssetIT - asset management for Jira, spanning from fundamental functionalities to premium options. This means you have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with AssetIT, fully assess its capabilities, and determine how it aligns with your specific asset management needs.

What happens when my trial period for AssetIT ends?

After the trial period for AssetIT ends, your subscription will automatically activate. Atlassian provides flexibility in managing your subscription preferences. To view or modify your subscription details, such as changing your billing cycle between annual and monthly options, you can go to the "Billing" section under "Settings" in your Atlassian administration console.

How do I extend my trial?
For Data Center:
  • For Data Center edition, you can extend your app trial up to 5 times - in other words, for up to six months. 

  • Extend your trial by generating a new evaluation license key from the Atlassian Marketplace. To proceed, follow these steps:

    • Navigate to Manage Add-ons in the JIRA Administration

    • Find the IT Asset Management for Jira plugin

    • Delete the existing license key

    • Click the Free Trial button

You should now have a new trial license for 30 days.

For Cloud:

In the Cloud edition, extending trial licenses can be challenging due to Atlassian's policies. However, we offer free usage for up to 10 users, and if you require an Asset Management for Jira trial license for the Cloud edition, it may still be possible. All you need to do is reach out to us by creating a ticket through our Support Desk, and our team will be happy to assist you.

What are the available subscription plans for AssetIT?

AssetIT offers a flexible pricing structure based on the number of users, with options suitable for small teams to large enterprises. It provides both monthly and yearly billing cycles, accommodating over 20,000 users with specific rates per user that decrease significantly as the number of users increases. For the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information tailored to your team's size and needs, it's best to refer directly to AssetIT Pricing.

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