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Priority Table

The Priority table lists the tickets and prioritizing fields (more fields will be supported in future releases). Users can filter, sort, and edit prioritization. Currently, Routemap supports Value-Effort and RICE prioritizing methods.

Additionally, the custom method is also supported and allows users to configure their own methods.

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To access the Prioritization table, you can simply go to the Routemap board and open the Priority Table tab.

1. Toolbar

First, let’s take a look at the toolbar that supports you with prioritizing:


1: Filter data

2: Toggle between the Value vs. Effort and R.I.C.E prioritization method

3: Column display

2. Filter data

This feature allows searching for issues.

Basic search by issue summary, project, Issue Type, Status, and Assignee

JQL advanced search by Jira Query Language.

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3. Sorting

To sort items in the table, click on the up or down arrow icon next to the field name. It would be best if you kept in mind that the table can only sort to one field only, not combining two or more.


4. Prioritizing

Next, you can select the prioritizing method available in the dropdown menu.


All the prioritizing fields are shown on the table by default. You can edit their values to prioritize the tickets according to your needs.

  • RICE: Users provide values for Reach, Impact, Confidence, and Effort the Score will be calculated by the formula.

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  • Value-Effort: Users provide values for Value and Effort, the Score is calculated by simply dividing the Value rating by the Effort rating.

Value vs. Effort-20240215-094541.jpg

5. Column display

It allows users to add more fundamental fields to the Priority Table.


Custom prioritizing method

Routemap also supports the ability to make a custom prioritizing method. Besides from Column display dropdown menu, users can add more custom fields to the table.


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