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Routemap boards List

This is where you see and access your created roadmaps. You can also see who created the roadmap and when the latest update was.


You will see a list showing all the roadmaps created in the instance.

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From the board list, you can sort the roadmap’s orders according to Newest first or Oldest first.

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You can also filter your roadmaps in the board list by using:

  • My boards: roadmaps created by the current user.

  • Shared with me: indicates the Private roadmaps shared with the current user.

  • Project: allows you to filter roadmaps from one or multiple specific projects

  • Board name: find a specific roadmap by using the search bar.

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Filter by projects-20240207-094933.jpg

How to filter roadmaps by projects

You've caught up! Next step: See how to add a Jira field to Issue Screens to utilize Routemap's full potential.

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