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Getting Started

Welcome to Routemap for Jira!

This is the All-in-One solution to all your planning needs. Routemap also elevates your efficiency and output by offering advanced roadmapping & prioritization features for Jira to streamline your workflow.

Take a look at our 5-min demo 👇

Features Overview

Before you start

Before creating your first roadmap, here are a few things to help you get started perfectly:


💡 Bonus Tips

1. Freely add or remove features from your board

When setting up a Routemap board, you can freely choose which features you’d like to use for planning the roadmap and tasks. You can always adjust the board to your preference later on.

2. Leverage JQL in your planning

In some cases, you are required to prioritize your tasks before planning them in the roadmap. You can then use Jira Query Language (JQL) to filter high-priority tasks in the issue box and plan them in the roadmap first.

JQL example:['rice'].score > 50

👉 Watch the video for more details.

3. Accessible Help Center

Whenever you need assistance, you can quickly go to our Help Center page within the app to contact support or access our resources like User Guide, Articles, Video playlist… to help you understand Routemap better.

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