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Team Mood

Team Mood is an additional feature for Daily Standup, which allows team members to express their feelings during daily standup sessions.

Team Mood help teams:

  • Communicate better anonymously

  • Spot issues early to avoid problems

  • Boost morale for a happier team

  • Be more productive with increased well-being

  • Manage remote teams effectively

To enable this feature, the Jira admin can go to the daily standup setting in the top right corner and enable the team mood option.


Save that setting to enable it on the daily standup.

Users can find this feature in the Your Report column in the My Standup section


Pick an emoji to express your today mood, users can type in the text box to further describe their feelings. This includes 3 mood states:

😃 Happy

😶 Neutral

☹️ Bad

This will be submitted along with your daily standup report.

Choose the Public option if you want to share your mood with your team.

To see your team’s mood, go to the Team Reports section and choose the date you want to see.

Team mood status is located on top of the Team Reports section:


Hover the mouse on your team’s emoji on the report to see the mood’s detail.


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