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Ver 5.2.1 - Release notes

We're pleased to introduce TeamBoard - Resource Planning & Time Tracking V5.2.1

V5.2.1 Teamboard for monday release.jpg

New Feature:

Permission setting

Manage App Admins and Access Restrictions

We've introduced enhanced permission settings to give you better control over your application's security.

Now, admins can manage app admins and set application access restrictions, ensuring the right users have appropriate access.


  • Improved UI to display board names on item cards

Improved UI to display board names on item cards..png
  • Expanded fields when creating items.

  • Corrected localization issues.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed issues with auto-mapping fields.

  • Improved performance when loading items.

  • Corrected the refresh function for better reliability.

Help Center

If you're enjoying our app, we'd appreciate it if you could leave us a review. However, if you are experiencing any troubles, please contact us via the support portal before submitting a review. We are committed to working carefully and quickly to resolve any issues you may have.

Your feedback is valuable and appreciated!

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