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Import and Export

Import to Gantt from Microsoft Project file

If you have a complex project in MS Project. Instead of recreating it manually in ProScheduler, you simply import the file, and your Gantt chart is instantly populated with all your project details.

Allows users to directly import MS Project files (file formats: .mpp, .mpt) into ProScheduler’s Gantt charts, streamlining the transition between project management tools

  • Click on the "Import" button located at the top right corner

  • In the Import window, click "Browse."

  • Browse your local files and select the Microsoft Project file you wish to import (supported formats: .mpp, .mpt).

  • Select a project

  • Click “Import”

Tips for a Smooth Import:

  • Ensure that your Microsoft Project file is properly organized and up-to-date.

  • Resolve any missing dependencies or conflicting data before importing.

  • Use filters and grouping in ProScheduler to organize your imported tasks more effectively.

Export Task to file

The export feature offers customizable column selection, enabling you to include only the relevant data in your spreadsheet.

  • Click on the "export" button. A dialog box will appear with a list of available columns.

  • Choose the columns you want to include in your Spreadsheet.

  • Click the "Export" button to generate the file.

Export Task to file.png

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